Aquaculture Feed Supplement Highly Concentrated Sustained Oxygen Releasing Tablets for Aquaculture


Aquaculture Feed Supplement Highly Concentrated Sustained Oxygen Releasing Tablets for Aquaculture

These tablets reduce the anaerobic conditions at pond level
Continuous synthesis for the oxygen for a longer time. Improves survival rate of aquatic crops
Detoxify toxic gases such as nitrite and hydrogen sulphide. Releases stress of the aquatic animals.

Dissolved oxygen level of water of a fish pond is very important parameter for water quality .As we know the oxygen is one of the vital component of life for all organisms. During the daytime if there is enough sunlight then the oxygen production via photosynthesis in the pond will fulfill all the required oxygen level for respiration at Night.
When the sunlight is not enough during the day oxygen level decreases which will sometimes lead to dissolved oxygen level of pond decrease due to respiration sometimes is dissolved oxygen level comes below the lethal level of fish which may cause danger and finally fish mortality.
Fishes living in the oxygen-rich streams of water need a good quantity of oxygen so in these cases only a small decrease in the oxygen level may cause loss. However fishes living in the slow motion or in stagnant water they need less oxygen. However production of phytoplankton at the upper level may not cover oxygen demand of the lower water layer which is the respiration dominant area here if the light conditions are also not favorable it may lead to danger to the fishes life. So there is a requirement of a continuous supply of oxygen at the deeper level for the respiration especially when during the night maximum oxygen is required for the respiration but during the daytime the production level decreased .So to overcome these problems or these decreased oxygen levels we can use one of the best way is to sepread the oxygen releasing tablets in the pond to cover up oxygen level for respiration for a longer time and these tablets are made available as a DOTOXY TABLETS



Sodium perborate                      67%

Sodium per carbonate               37%

Binders and effective agents     3%




  • Releases dissolved oxygen levels instantaneously.
  • Relieves animal from stress
  • Controls anaerobic bacteria growth.
  • Reduces toxic gasses of pond.
  • Reduces pond pollution
  • Avoid Mass mortality
  • Reduces Toxic Nitrite and Hydrogen sulfide levels.



Low density – 1 kg per acre
High density-2 kg per acre


As directed by aquaculture consultant

For Aquaculture Use Only


250 gm. & 1 kg.


Packing  Per Buffer Box OR Shrink Pack Qty In a Shipper 
250gm 1×12 12
1 kg 1×8 8